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What kind of religion is this?

OrthodoxyEastern Christianity that is coming from the Middle East or Holy Land, Israel – the place where our Lord Jesus Christ was born, lived, suffered, was crucified, buried, rose again, ascended into the heavens and sent the Holy Spirit upon his disciples on the day of Pentecost.

What Bible do you use?

King James Version Bible English translation is approved to use for services and home reading. However there are missing books in modern KJV editions which were initially present in KJV of 1611 and are kept by the Church which gave the Bible to us.

Where does your Church base?

Our Church started in 30 A. D. with the empty tomb of Christ which is the main pilgrimage centre even to these days for all Christians.

Are you Catholic?

Yes, we are the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church in its most original and true sense. All other “Christian” denominations, Confessions or local centres were historically founded after us or were previously part of our Church but separated from it.

What day do you worship?

We must worship every day and pray unceasingly (1 Thes. 5:16). Though our main day for congregation is the Day of Resurrection in the flesh of our Lord Jesus Christ which took place on the first day of the week, Sunday. With hope to obtain eternal rest with his congregation in the age to come we form our local congregations every week on this day in Church.

Are you allowed to marry?

Most priests remain married following the 13th canon of the Ecumenical Council in Trullo (in 692 A. D.). They make their choice if they want to be married or be more dedicated to ministry before they are ordained.

Why do you worship graven images?

No, we don’t worship images of false gods or idols. But we do similarly as to what Moses (Ex. 25:18) and Joshua son of Nun did (Josh. 7:6) with the Ark of the Covenant and the two Cherubim on top of it. We do make and venerate the icons of the saints and the Son of God incarnate.

Why does your priest always wear black?

This way of spiritual clothes which heavily impacted Middle East religions is only for dedicated unmarried individuals (like monks, nuns) and Church clergy. It reminds you not to do things you will regret you were doing on your last day of judgement.

Do you pray for people?

Yes, we do baptisms, marriages, Confession, Holy Communion, burial, house blessings, vehicle blessings, prayers for the sick and many more types of services.

What colour is Jesus?

According to the Bible, he broke bread and gave to his disciples his Body which was the same colour of ripe wheat.

What God do you believe?

We believe in the unbegotten Father, only-begotten Son and the Holy Spirit who proceeds from the Father – undivided Trinity in one essence.

Doesn’t the Bible say: “confess to no man”?

Nowhere in the Bible does it say so. In fact, in James 5:16 it says “Confess therefore your sins one to another”. To secure the remission of your sins you should be able to confess with a priest.

Are you Jewish?

Our religion started from the Jews who believed in Christ Joshua (Jesus) born from the Ever-Virgin Mary in Judea. Then converts from gentiles joined us who abstain from eating blood, strangled meat, polygamy and idol worshipping food.

Is this another man-made Church?

Many Churches claim they are the true one, but not all can prove it. Our proof is the history which identifies our followers century by century in all places sharing identical doctrine and same worship throughout time.

First time I hear about it!

The Eastern Orthodox Church is the second largest Christian Confession with many jurisdictions worldwide.

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Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia


+1 (473) 537-96-46


priest Ambrose (Sitalo)